The light within

It’s an unusual time in the world right now, many of us have been in our isolation bubbles at home, as we’ve come together, yet apart to allow the movement of change to take place. These past few weeks we’ve had the opportunity to go deep within ourselves, to open our eyes and take a good look around our inner world and work out what we’d like to keep and what we’d like to change. We’ve had time at home to openly reflect on ourselves, and our lives as we know it.

We had 5 weeks in New Zealand at Level 4 Lockdown, this meant staying home, not socialising and only leaving home for essentials like food, fuel, and medical needs. Our 22 year old son came home from Auckland to live with us. Who knew what the future would bring? During a time of uncertainty we had ourselves and each other, and I had my Reiki practice. We could connect in a deeper way, just by simply being together. Living rurally in the sunny Bay of Plenty, means there’s always work on the land to be done, and nature has an incredible way of nourishing your soul.

Our world has relished the changes, as we’ve slowed our hectic and demanding lives to allow space for a new wave, a new norm to be realised. The waters are flowing cleaner and clearer and have you looked up at the sky lately and see how blue it’s become? For many it may be a time of worry and perhaps fear, as the world in which we once new, which we thought we had a handle on, faces its own shifts and changes. It’s a new world that lends itself to a greater expansion, an awakening to a greater consciousness, that is happening around the planet. The earth is stretching and growing and breathing. Our Earth Mother, Papatūānuku, is re-adjusting, blossoming and blooming. Previous paradigms are shifting to make way for the new.

For many it’s felt as though a giant reset button has been pushed. A chance to pause and reflect upon our lives and decide what we would like to change as the new world unfolds. What are some of the gifts from this experience that we’d like to keep? What are some of the learnings? How do we want to live our lives? And what do we really value? Perhaps it’s been a time of sorting through some things? Maybe that’s been in the physical sense like ‘decluttering’ and Marie Kondo-ing your home to figuring out what sparks joy in your life? And what speaks to your soul?

For me, it’s also been a time to step back, breathe, connect and to go deeper into my Reiki practice. To focus on my daily self-Reiki and to draw upon the simplicity of the Reiki precepts. Reiki has a meditative effect, it can calm the mind and give rise to an awareness and an appreciation of the beauty that is all around. From the crisp autumn blue sky and meandering clouds, to the sparkling dew that sits on the spider’s web, to the crack that runs along the footpath, that seems to have made friends with some unruly moss, to the peanut butter that I spread thickly across my toast. It’s taking the time to notice and be aware of these seemingly ‘small’ and ‘beautiful’ things, to appreciate them for what they are and to give thanks for them being in my life at that moment.

Somehow by being present and saying thank you for these things, I’m learning to appreciate everything and everyone around me, that much more. I’ve decluttered my home and decluttered my life, but I haven’t decluttered my soul. I’ve enriched and enlightened my soul within each Reiki moment. With every breath I’ve taken in awe, of every kind deed that I’ve witnessed or read about, of stories that are shared each day, of one person sharing kindness with another.

Reiki helps us to shine our inner bright light, it dissolves the limitations we place on ourselves and reminds us of who we truly are. It brings us home to ourselves so that we can sit in blissful contentment, in the place of Universal Oneness that we have often heard about. This light is the inner essence of us all, it is the greater Universal consciousness that we are all part of. We’re connected to each other and it is only through our perceived sense of separation from ourselves that we feel ‘disconnected’ from the whole.

This inner light shines brightly within each of us and is a reminder that even during these times of uncertainty, perceived disconnection and change, our inner light never falters. It shines continuously, whether we are consciously aware of it or not.

There’s a quote that I absolutely love by Maya Angelou …

“Nothing can dim the light that shines from within”.

With love and Reiki blessings
Dee xo

Dionne Norman