Reiki Rays Healing Summit 2022

Broadcasted 06 - 11 November 2022 - Reiki Rays Healing Summit is available for you to purchase at 50% off the full price

A deeply transformative journey of building the inner foundation of peace! Awaken this peaceful presence within and become a more radiant and healing light in the world, able to efficiently and heartfully handle conflicts and life challenges of any kind! The Reiki Rays Healing Summit is offered by Reiki Rays.

This global gathering of energy medicine pioneers in the field of Reiki, including William Lee Rand, Susan Mitchell, Frank Arjava Petter, Tina Zion, Frans Stiene, Colleen and Robyn Benelli, Nicholas Pearson, and Mari Okazaki, will provide you with practices, techniques, tools, stories, and life-changing wisdom that you need to deepen the Gift of Peace and welcome healing into your heart, family, community and our world.

Own the Reiki Rays Healing Summit Now

*Please note the Reiki Rays 2022 Healing Summit is an affiliated website. For 50% off the full price use the code 50OFFSummit2022 when you proceed to purchase.

Dionne Norman